import binascii import json import os import random import re import sys import time from PIL import Image from type.PNG import PNG # from type.JPG import JPG # from type.GIF import GIF types = [PNG] # 暂时先只处理PNG,其他的都没写好呢[PNG, JPG, GIF] def check_image_type(filename: str, data: bytearray): file_type1 = None for model in types: if re.match(f'.*\.{model.extension}$', filename.lower()): file_type1 = model break file_type2 = None weight = 0 for model in types: weight2 = model.test(data) if weight2 > weight: file_type2 = model weight = weight2 if file_type1 != None: if file_type1 == file_type2: print(f'看起来文件格式是{file_type1.extension}') else: print(f'文件名中格式是{file_type1.extension},但是解析文件头格式发现{weight}%是{file_type2.extension}') else: if file_type2 != None: file_type1 = file_type2 print(f'检测文件头认为文件格式{weight}%是{file_type2.extension}') else: print('未检测到任何图片格式特征,该文件可能不是图片文件') for i in range(len(types)): print(f' {i}、{types[i].extension}') index = input('要指定文件格式吗?或者直接回车。请输入文件格式序号:') if index.isdigit(): index = int(index) file_type1 = types[index] return file_type1 # 总函数 def main(filename: str): # 读取图片数据 data = None with open(filename, 'rb') as f: data = bytearray( # 确定文件格式 model = check_image_type(filename, data) # 检测并修复 changed = False if model != None: info = model.get_info(data) # print(json.dumps(info)) changed1, data, tail = model.check_tail(data) changed2, data, head = model.repair_sig(data) changed3, data, width, height = model.repair_size(data) changed4, data, data_append = model.check_data(data) checked_channel = False # 是否检测过RGB通道,如果没检测过,则下面还会尝试检测一遍 try: # 尝试分析通道信息 changed5, data_r, data_g, data_b = model.check_channels(filename, width, height) checked_channel = True except Exception as e: pass #print('[x] 尝试打开图片失败,失败原因:' + str(e)) changed = changed1 or changed2 or changed3 else: print('[*] 未进行任何处理') if changed: # 创建结果目录 basename = os.path.basename(filename) dirname = filename.replace('.', '_') + str(int(time.time())) dirpath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(filename)), dirname) os.mkdir(dirpath) # 保存解析结果 imagepath = os.path.join(dirpath, basename) f = open(imagepath, 'wb') f.write(data) f.close() if changed1 and tail: f = open(os.path.join(dirpath, 'tail'), 'wb') f.write(tail) f.close() if changed2 and head: f = open(os.path.join(dirpath, 'head'), 'wb') f.write(head) f.close() for i in range(len(data_append)): f = open(os.path.join(dirpath, 'data_append_' + str(i)), 'wb') f.write(data_append[i]) f.close() print(f'[*] 分析结果已保存到 {dirpath}') if not checked_channel: # 尝试分析通道信息 changed5, data_r, data_g, data_b = model.check_channels(imagepath, width, height) try: # 尝试打开图片看一看 im = except Exception as e: print('[x] 尝试打开图片失败,失败原因:' + str(e)) else: print('[*] 未进行任何处理') print('[*] 分析完成!') # 开始执行 if len(sys.argv) > 1: filename = sys.argv[1] main(filename)