
amuliang 2023-12-12 01:05:48 +08:00
parent 6ebd0c35ef
commit 10fbbc8d6f
5 changed files with 480 additions and 331 deletions

View File

@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
# ctf_analyze_image
## 处理能力
## 使用方法
python3 test.png

View File

@ -6,345 +6,46 @@ import re
import sys
import time
from PIL import Image
from type.PNG import PNG
# from type.JPG import JPG
# from type.GIF import GIF
class PNG:
def __init__(self):
# 检测文件格式,返回百分比
def test(data: bytearray):
return 100
# 获取图片信息
def get_info(data: bytearray):
text = b'tEXt'
index = data.find(text)
if index > 32:
length = int.from_bytes(data[index-4: index], byteorder='big')
chunk_data = data[index+4: index+4+length]
print('[*] 图像信息:')
info = chunk_data
return info
def check_tail(data: bytearray):
changed = False
tail = None
iend = b'\x49\x45\x4E\x44\xAE\x42\x60\x82'
length = len(data)
index = data.find(iend)
if index == -1:
index = data.find(iend[0:4])
if index != -1:
index = index + 4
index = index + 8
if index == -1:
print('[x] 缺少png文件格式结束标识符IEND')
elif index < 32:
print('[x] 缺少png文件格式结束标识符IEND位置貌似不太对')
tail = data[index:]
if len(tail) > 0:
changed = True
print('[x] 检测到文件尾部有垃圾数据,已尝试修复')
return changed, data, tail
# 修复文件头
def repair_sig(data: bytearray):
changed = False
head = None
print('[*] 检测文件头')
sig = b'\x89\x50\x4E\x47\x0D\x0A\x1A\x0A'
index = data.find(sig)
if index > 0:
print('[x] 检测到文件头前有垃圾数据,已尝试修复')
head = bytes(data[:index])
data = data[index:]
changed = True
elif data[0:8] != sig:
print('[x] 检测到文件头异常,已尝试修复')
data[0:8] = sig
changed = True
return changed, data, head
# 修复尺寸
def repair_size(data: bytearray):
changed = False
print('[*] 检测文件尺寸')
chunk_begin = 8
data_begin = chunk_begin + 8
width_begin = data_begin
height_begin = data_begin + 4
length = int.from_bytes(data[chunk_begin:chunk_begin+4], byteorder='big')
ctype = data[chunk_begin+4: chunk_begin+8] # 应该为 b'\x49\x48\x44\x52',即 b'IHDR'
chunk_data = data[data_begin: data_begin+length]
width = int.from_bytes(chunk_data[0:4], byteorder='big')
height = int.from_bytes(chunk_data[4:8], byteorder='big')
crc = int.from_bytes(data[data_begin+length:data_begin+length+4], byteorder='big')
if PNG.test_ihdr_chunk(ctype + chunk_data, crc):
print(' - 图片尺寸设置正确')
b = False
if not b:
print('[x] 尝试修复图片宽度...')
chunk = ctype + chunk_data
for i in range(1, 2048):
chunk[4:8] = i.to_bytes(4, byteorder='big')
if PNG.test_ihdr_chunk(bytes(chunk), crc):
width = i
print(f'[*] 图片宽度修复成功,宽度值为{i}')
data[width_begin: width_begin+4] = width.to_bytes(4, byteorder='big')
changed = True
b = True
if not b:
print('[x] 尝试修复图片高度...')
chunk = ctype + chunk_data
for i in range(1, 2048):
chunk[8:12] = i.to_bytes(4, byteorder='big')
if PNG.test_ihdr_chunk(chunk, crc):
height = i
print(f'[*] 图片高度修复成功,宽度值为{i}')
data[height_begin: height_begin+4] = width.to_bytes(4, byteorder='big')
changed = True
b = True
if not b:
temp = input(f'当前宽度值为{width},高度值为{height},是否尝试将高度值设置为更高?可输入高度值或直接回车:')
if temp.isdigit():
height = int(temp)
data[height_begin: height_begin+4] = height.to_bytes(4, byteorder='big')
print(f'[*] 已将图片高度设置为{height}')
changed = True
return changed, data, width, height
def test_ihdr_chunk(chunk_data, crc):
crc32 = binascii.crc32(chunk_data) & 0xffffffff
return crc32 == crc
class JPG:
def __init__(self):
# 检测文件格式,返回百分比
def test(data: bytearray):
return 100
# 获取图片信息
def get_info(data: bytearray):
info = {}
return info
def check_tail(data: bytearray):
changed = False
tail = None
return changed, data, tail
# 修复文件头
def repair_sig(data: bytearray):
changed = False
head = None
print('[*] 检测文件头')
sig = b'\x89\x50\x4E\x47\x0D\x0A\x1A\x0A'
index = data.find(sig)
if index != -1:
print('[x] 检测到文件头前有垃圾数据,已尝试修复')
head = data[:index]
data = data[index:]
changed = True
elif data[0:8] != sig:
print('[x] 检测到文件头异常,已尝试修复')
data[0:8] = sig
changed = True
return changed, data, head
# 修复尺寸
def repair_size(data: bytearray):
changed = False
print('[*] 检测文件尺寸')
chunk_begin = 8
width_begin = chunk_begin + 8
height_begin = chunk_begin + 12
length = int.from_bytes(data[chunk_begin:chunk_begin+4], byteorder='big')
chunk_data = data[chunk_begin+4: chunk_begin+4+length]
ctype = chunk_data[0:4] # 应该为 b'\x49\x48\x44\x52',即 b'IHDR'
width = int.from_bytes(chunk_data[4:8], byteorder='big')
height = int.from_bytes(chunk_data[8:12], byteorder='big')
crc = chunk_data[-4:]
if JPG.test_ihdr_chunk(chunk_data[:-4], crc):
print(' - 图片尺寸设置正确')
if width == 0:
print('[x] 检测到图片宽度设置异常,尝试修复...')
for i in range(1, 2048):
chunk_data[4:8] = i.to_bytes(4, byteorder='big')
if JPG.test_ihdr_chunk(chunk_data[:-4], crc):
width = i
print(f'[*] 图片宽度修复成功,宽度值为{i}')
data[width_begin: width_begin+4] = width.to_bytes(4, byteorder='big')
changed = True
if width == 0:
print('[x] 图片宽度修复失败')
temp = input(f'当前宽度值为{width},高度值为{height},是否尝试将高度值设置为更高?可输入高度值或直接回车:')
if temp.isdigit():
height = int(temp)
data[height_begin: height_begin+4] = height.to_bytes(4, byteorder='big')
print(f'[*] 已将图片高度设置为{height}')
changed = True
return changed, data
def test_ihdr_chunk(chunk_data, crc):
crc32 = binascii.crc32(chunk_data) & 0xffffffff
return crc32 == crc
class GIF:
def __init__(self):
# 检测文件格式,返回百分比
def test(data: bytearray):
return 100
# 获取图片信息
def get_info(data: bytearray):
info = {}
return info
def check_tail(data: bytearray):
changed = False
tail = None
return changed, data, tail
# 修复文件头
def repair_sig(data: bytearray):
changed = False
head = None
print('[*] 检测文件头')
sig = b'\x89\x50\x4E\x47\x0D\x0A\x1A\x0A'
index = data.find(sig)
if index != -1:
print('[x] 检测到文件头前有垃圾数据,已尝试修复')
head = data[:index]
data = data[index:]
changed = True
elif data[0:8] != sig:
print('[x] 检测到文件头异常,已尝试修复')
data[0:8] = sig
changed = True
return changed, data, head
# 修复尺寸
def repair_size(data: bytearray):
changed = False
print('[*] 检测文件尺寸')
chunk_begin = 8
width_begin = chunk_begin + 8
height_begin = chunk_begin + 12
length = int.from_bytes(data[chunk_begin:chunk_begin+4], byteorder='big')
chunk_data = data[chunk_begin+4: chunk_begin+4+length]
ctype = chunk_data[0:4] # 应该为 b'\x49\x48\x44\x52',即 b'IHDR'
width = int.from_bytes(chunk_data[4:8], byteorder='big')
height = int.from_bytes(chunk_data[8:12], byteorder='big')
crc = chunk_data[-4:]
if GIF.test_ihdr_chunk(chunk_data[:-4], crc):
print(' - 图片尺寸设置正确')
if width == 0:
print('[x] 检测到图片宽度设置异常,尝试修复...')
for i in range(1, 2048):
chunk_data[4:8] = i.to_bytes(4, byteorder='big')
if GIF.test_ihdr_chunk(chunk_data[:-4], crc):
width = i
print(f'[*] 图片宽度修复成功,宽度值为{i}')
data[width_begin: width_begin+4] = width.to_bytes(4, byteorder='big')
changed = True
if width == 0:
print('[x] 图片宽度修复失败')
temp = input(f'当前宽度值为{width},高度值为{height},是否尝试将高度值设置为更高?可输入高度值或直接回车:')
if temp.isdigit():
height = int(temp)
data[height_begin: height_begin+4] = height.to_bytes(4, byteorder='big')
print(f'[*] 已将图片高度设置为{height}')
changed = True
return changed, data
def test_ihdr_chunk(chunk_data, crc):
crc32 = binascii.crc32(chunk_data) & 0xffffffff
return crc32 == crc
types = [PNG] # 暂时先只处理PNG其他的都没写好呢[PNG, JPG, GIF]
def check_image_type(filename: str, data: bytearray):
file_type1 = None
if re.match('.*\.png$', filename.lower()):
file_type1 = 'png'
elif re.match('.*\.jpg$', filename.lower()):
file_type1 = 'jpg'
elif re.match('.*\.gif$', filename.lower()):
file_type1 = 'gif'
for model in types:
if re.match(f'.*\.{model.extension}$', filename.lower()):
file_type1 = model
file_type2 = None
weight = 0
weight2 = PNG.test(data)
if weight2 > weight:
file_type2 = 'png'
weight = weight2
weight2 = JPG.test(data)
if weight2 > weight:
file_type2 = 'jpg'
weight = weight2
weight2 = GIF.test(data)
if weight2 > weight:
file_type2 = 'gif'
weight = weight2
for model in types:
weight2 = model.test(data)
if weight2 > weight:
file_type2 = model
weight = weight2
if file_type1 != None:
if file_type1 == file_type2:
if file_type2 != None:
file_type1 = file_type2
index = input('要指定文件格式吗?或者直接回车。(1、png 2、jpg 3、gif)')
for i in range(len(types)):
print(f' {i}{types[i].extension}')
index = input('要指定文件格式吗?或者直接回车。请输入文件格式序号:')
if index.isdigit():
index = int(index)
if index == 1:
file_type1 = 'png'
elif index == 2:
file_type1 = 'jpg'
elif index == 3:
file_type1 = 'gif'
file_type1 = types[index]
return file_type1
@ -358,14 +59,7 @@ def main(filename: str):
data = bytearray(
# 确定文件格式
file_type = check_image_type(filename, data)
model = None
if file_type == 'png':
model = PNG
elif file_type == 'jpg':
model = JPG
elif file_type == 'gif':
model = GIF
model = check_image_type(filename, data)
# 检测并修复
changed = False
@ -375,6 +69,16 @@ def main(filename: str):
changed1, data, tail = model.check_tail(data)
changed2, data, head = model.repair_sig(data)
changed3, data, width, height = model.repair_size(data)
changed4, data, data_append = model.check_data(data)
checked_channel = False # 是否检测过RGB通道如果没检测过则下面还会尝试检测一遍
# 尝试分析通道信息
changed5, data_r, data_g, data_b = model.check_channels(filename, width, height)
checked_channel = True
except Exception as e:
#print('[x] 尝试打开图片失败,失败原因:' + str(e))
changed = changed1 or changed2 or changed3
print('[*] 未进行任何处理')
@ -399,9 +103,16 @@ def main(filename: str):
f = open(os.path.join(dirpath, 'head'), 'wb')
for i in range(len(data_append)):
f = open(os.path.join(dirpath, 'data_append_' + str(i)), 'wb')
print(f'[*] 分析结果已保存到 {dirpath}')
# 尝试打开图片看一看
if not checked_channel:
# 尝试分析通道信息
changed5, data_r, data_g, data_b = model.check_channels(imagepath, width, height)
# 尝试打开图片看一看
im =
except Exception as e:
@ -412,6 +123,7 @@ def main(filename: str):
print('[*] 分析完成!')
# 开始执行
filename = sys.argv[1]
# filename = 'G:\\1.png'
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
filename = sys.argv[1]

type/ 100644
View File

@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
import binascii
class GIF:
extension = 'gif'
def __init__(self):
# 检测文件格式,返回百分比
def test(data: bytearray):
return 100
# 获取图片信息
def get_info(data: bytearray):
info = {}
return info
def check_tail(data: bytearray):
changed = False
tail = None
return changed, data, tail
# 修复文件头
def repair_sig(data: bytearray):
changed = False
head = None
print('[*] 检测文件头')
sig = b'\x89\x50\x4E\x47\x0D\x0A\x1A\x0A'
index = data.find(sig)
if index != -1:
print('[x] 检测到文件头前有垃圾数据,已尝试修复')
head = data[:index]
data = data[index:]
changed = True
elif data[0:8] != sig:
print('[x] 检测到文件头异常,已尝试修复')
data[0:8] = sig
changed = True
return changed, data, head
# 修复尺寸
def repair_size(data: bytearray):
changed = False
print('[*] 检测文件尺寸')
chunk_begin = 8
width_begin = chunk_begin + 8
height_begin = chunk_begin + 12
length = int.from_bytes(data[chunk_begin:chunk_begin+4], byteorder='big')
chunk_data = data[chunk_begin+4: chunk_begin+4+length]
ctype = chunk_data[0:4] # 应该为 b'\x49\x48\x44\x52',即 b'IHDR'
width = int.from_bytes(chunk_data[4:8], byteorder='big')
height = int.from_bytes(chunk_data[8:12], byteorder='big')
crc = chunk_data[-4:]
if GIF.test_ihdr_chunk(chunk_data[:-4], crc):
print(' - 图片尺寸设置正确')
if width == 0:
print('[x] 检测到图片宽度设置异常,尝试修复...')
for i in range(1, 2048):
chunk_data[4:8] = i.to_bytes(4, byteorder='big')
if GIF.test_ihdr_chunk(chunk_data[:-4], crc):
width = i
print(f'[*] 图片宽度修复成功,宽度值为{i}')
data[width_begin: width_begin+4] = width.to_bytes(4, byteorder='big')
changed = True
if width == 0:
print('[x] 图片宽度修复失败')
temp = input(f'当前宽度值为{width},高度值为{height},是否尝试将高度值设置为更高?可输入高度值或直接回车:')
if temp.isdigit():
height = int(temp)
data[height_begin: height_begin+4] = height.to_bytes(4, byteorder='big')
print(f'[*] 已将图片高度设置为{height}')
changed = True
return changed, data
def test_ihdr_chunk(chunk_data, crc):
crc32 = binascii.crc32(chunk_data) & 0xffffffff
return crc32 == crc
def check_data(data: bytearray):
return False, data, []

type/ 100644
View File

@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
import binascii
class JPG:
extension = 'jpg'
def __init__(self):
# 检测文件格式,返回百分比
def test(data: bytearray):
rate = 0
if data.find(b'\xff\x') != -1:
rate = 100
if data.find(b'IHDR') != -1:
rate = rate + 30
if data.find(b'IEND') != -1:
rate = rate + 30
return rate
# 获取图片信息
def get_info(data: bytearray):
info = {}
return info
def check_tail(data: bytearray):
changed = False
tail = None
return changed, data, tail
# 修复文件头
def repair_sig(data: bytearray):
changed = False
head = None
print('[*] 检测文件头')
sig = b'\x89\x50\x4E\x47\x0D\x0A\x1A\x0A'
index = data.find(sig)
if index != -1:
print('[x] 检测到文件头前有垃圾数据,已尝试修复')
head = data[:index]
data = data[index:]
changed = True
elif data[0:8] != sig:
print('[x] 检测到文件头异常,已尝试修复')
data[0:8] = sig
changed = True
return changed, data, head
# 修复尺寸
def repair_size(data: bytearray):
changed = False
print('[*] 检测文件尺寸')
chunk_begin = 8
width_begin = chunk_begin + 8
height_begin = chunk_begin + 12
length = int.from_bytes(data[chunk_begin:chunk_begin+4], byteorder='big')
chunk_data = data[chunk_begin+4: chunk_begin+4+length]
ctype = chunk_data[0:4] # 应该为 b'\x49\x48\x44\x52',即 b'IHDR'
width = int.from_bytes(chunk_data[4:8], byteorder='big')
height = int.from_bytes(chunk_data[8:12], byteorder='big')
crc = chunk_data[-4:]
if JPG.test_ihdr_chunk(chunk_data[:-4], crc):
print(' - 图片尺寸设置正确')
if width == 0:
print('[x] 检测到图片宽度设置异常,尝试修复...')
for i in range(1, 2048):
chunk_data[4:8] = i.to_bytes(4, byteorder='big')
if JPG.test_ihdr_chunk(chunk_data[:-4], crc):
width = i
print(f'[*] 图片宽度修复成功,宽度值为{i}')
data[width_begin: width_begin+4] = width.to_bytes(4, byteorder='big')
changed = True
if width == 0:
print('[x] 图片宽度修复失败')
temp = input(f'当前宽度值为{width},高度值为{height},是否尝试将高度值设置为更高?可输入高度值或直接回车:')
if temp.isdigit():
height = int(temp)
data[height_begin: height_begin+4] = height.to_bytes(4, byteorder='big')
print(f'[*] 已将图片高度设置为{height}')
changed = True
return changed, data
def test_ihdr_chunk(chunk_data, crc):
crc32 = binascii.crc32(chunk_data) & 0xffffffff
return crc32 == crc
def check_data(data: bytearray):
return False, data, []

type/ 100644
View File

@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
import binascii
import zlib
from PIL import Image
class PNG:
extension = 'png'
sig = b'\x89\x50\x4E\x47\x0D\x0A\x1A\x0A'
def __init__(self):
# 检测文件格式,返回百分比
def test(data: bytearray):
rate = 0
if data.find(PNG.sig) != -1:
rate = 100
if data.find(b'IHDR') != -1:
rate = rate + 30
if data.find(b'IEND') != -1:
rate = rate + 30
return rate
# 获取图片信息
def get_info(data: bytearray):
text = b'tEXt'
index = data.find(text)
chunk_data = ''
if index > 32:
length = int.from_bytes(data[index-4: index], byteorder='big')
chunk_data = data[index+4: index+4+length]
print('[*] 图像信息:')
info = chunk_data
return info
def check_tail(data: bytearray):
changed = False
tail = None
iend = b'\x49\x45\x4E\x44\xAE\x42\x60\x82'
length = len(data)
index = data.find(iend)
if index == -1:
index = data.find(iend[0:4])
if index != -1:
index = index + 4
index = index + 8
if index == -1:
print('[x] 缺少png文件格式结束标识符IEND')
elif index < 32:
print('[x] 缺少png文件格式结束标识符IEND位置貌似不太对')
tail = data[index:]
if len(tail) > 0:
changed = True
print('[x] 检测到文件尾部有垃圾数据,已尝试修复')
return changed, data, tail
# 修复文件头
def repair_sig(data: bytearray):
changed = False
head = None
print('[*] 检测文件头')
index = data.find(PNG.sig)
if index > 0:
# 如果能检测到文件头
print('[x] 检测到文件头前有垃圾数据,已尝试修复')
head = bytes(data[:index])
data = data[index:]
changed = True
elif data[0:8] != PNG.sig:
# 如果检测不到文件头那么需要进一步确认有没有可能是被篡改或者缺失文件头可以根据下一个chunk标记来辅助确认
index2 = data.find(b'IHDR')
if index2 != -1:
# 能检测到有图片尺寸信息的IHDR标记
if index2 == 12:
# 说明文件头只是写的不对,直接替换
data[0:8] = PNG.sig
elif index2 > 12:
# 说明前面还是有垃圾数据
head = bytes(data[:index2-4])
data = bytearray(PNG.sig) + data[index2-4:]
print('[x] 检测到文件头前有垃圾数据,已尝试修复')
elif index2 > 3 and index2 < 12:
# 说明文件头长度不够
data = bytearray(PNG.sig) + data[index2-4:]
print('[*] 检测到文件头异常,已尝试修复')
changed = True
# 说明可能不是png图片了
print('[x] 未发现png图片特征无法修复')
return changed, data, head
# 修复尺寸
def repair_size(data: bytearray):
changed = False
print('[*] 检测文件尺寸')
chunk_begin = 8
data_begin = chunk_begin + 8
width_begin = data_begin
height_begin = data_begin + 4
length = int.from_bytes(data[chunk_begin:chunk_begin+4], byteorder='big')
ctype = data[chunk_begin+4: chunk_begin+8] # 应该为 b'\x49\x48\x44\x52',即 b'IHDR'
chunk_data = data[data_begin: data_begin+length]
width = int.from_bytes(chunk_data[0:4], byteorder='big')
height = int.from_bytes(chunk_data[4:8], byteorder='big')
crc = int.from_bytes(data[data_begin+length:data_begin+length+4], byteorder='big')
if PNG.test_ihdr_chunk(ctype + chunk_data, crc):
print(' - 图片尺寸设置正确')
b = False
if not b:
print('[x] 尝试修复图片宽度...')
chunk = ctype + chunk_data
for i in range(1, 2048):
chunk[4:8] = i.to_bytes(4, byteorder='big')
if PNG.test_ihdr_chunk(bytes(chunk), crc):
width = i
print(f'[*] 图片宽度修复成功,宽度值为{i}')
data[width_begin: width_begin+4] = width.to_bytes(4, byteorder='big')
changed = True
b = True
if not b:
print('[x] 尝试修复图片高度...')
chunk = ctype + chunk_data
for i in range(1, 2048):
chunk[8:12] = i.to_bytes(4, byteorder='big')
if PNG.test_ihdr_chunk(chunk, crc):
height = i
print(f'[*] 图片高度修复成功,宽度值为{i}')
data[height_begin: height_begin+4] = width.to_bytes(4, byteorder='big')
changed = True
b = True
if not b:
temp = input(f'当前宽度值为{width},高度值为{height},是否尝试将高度值设置为更高?可输入高度值或直接回车:')
if temp.isdigit():
height = int(temp)
data[height_begin: height_begin+4] = height.to_bytes(4, byteorder='big')
print(f'[*] 已将图片高度设置为{height}')
changed = True
return changed, data, width, height
def test_ihdr_chunk(chunk_data, crc):
crc32 = binascii.crc32(chunk_data) & 0xffffffff
return crc32 == crc
def check_data(data: bytearray):
idats = []
index = 0
print('[*] 检测IDAT数据块')
while True:
index = data.find(b'IDAT', index)
if index != -1:
length = int.from_bytes(data[index-4: index], byteorder='big')
data_begin = index + 4
idats.append((data_begin, length))
index = index + length + 8
changed = False
b = False
idat_append = []
for idat in idats:
if not b:
# 默认每个IDAT数据块最大为65445如果出现一个数据块小于65445说明数据块结束。如果后续又出现了IDAT数据块则说明可能有异常数据
if idat[1] < 65445:
b = True
print('[x] 检测到异常IDAT数据块')
idat_data = data[idat[0]: idat[0]+idat[1]]
idat_result = binascii.hexlify(zlib.decompress(idat_data)) # 究竟是不是要这样处理有待研究
return changed, data, idat_append
# 处理RGB三个通道
def check_channels(filename: str, width: int, height: int):
image =
pixels_r = []
pixels_g = []
pixels_b = []
for y in range(height):
for x in range(width):
r, g, b = image.getpixel((x, y))
data_r = PNG.check_channel(pixels_r, width, height, '')
data_g = PNG.check_channel(pixels_g, width, height, '绿')
data_b = PNG.check_channel(pixels_b, width, height, '')
return False, data_r, data_g, data_b
# 对单通道的处理方式
def check_channel(channel: bytearray, width: int, height: int, channel_name):
data_set = set(channel)
value_len = len(data_set)
print('[*] 正在检测%s色通道'%channel_name)
# value_len为1说明所有像素都一样不包含任何信息
if value_len == 1:
return False
# value_len小于17说明有可能包含01的二进制信息或者8、10、16进制信息
if value_len < 17:
print('[?] 通道颜色值仅有' + str(value_len) + '个值, 建议继续分析此通道信息')
# 说明应该不只是黑白信息,可能都为可打印字符
if value_len > 2 and value_len < 95:
# 提取出可打印字符
print_list = [chr(i) for i in channel if i > 31 and i < 127]
print_str = ''.join(print_list)
print('[?] 看看通道中这些可打印信息有没有用吧:' + print_str)
return print_str
return False